Best practices for the protection and valorisation of the Aeolian cultural landscape

Buone pratiche per la protezione e la valorizzazione del paesaggio culturale eoliano”. Incontro con la cittadinanza realizzato nell’ambito dell’International Summer School ENVIMAT (Lipari, 6-9 luglio 2022) come Multiplier event del progetto Europeo Erasmus+ CHePiCC online “Cultural Heritage Protection in Climate Change online”.

The International Summer School ENVIMAT – ENVIroment MATerial interaction is
organized by CNR-ISAC and University of Calabria since 2014.
Every year the school is held in different countries, hosted by different Universities and
Research Institutions, and counts about 30 participants; among them scientists and
researchers, teaching staff from other universities, professionals, policy and decision
makers, students from different fields, cultural heritage managers and curators etc.
ENVIMAT 2022 focuses on “Preventive conservation of coastal archaeological sites and cultural landscapes in the Mediterranean Basin“.

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